Monday, April 28, 2008

Jamie's Zodiac Year: The Dog?!

As my sister Stacy was helping me set up my new blog, we discovered, to my dismay, that my zodiac year was the dog. Now as some of you may or may not realize, I do not like dogs. I think they are dirty, annoying, and useless creatures. That's right! Judge me if you must. For the record, I think that people who have dogs are great people. Someone has to take care of these things, otherwise they might take over the streets! Then, what would we do with all the wild cats running around? Anyways, I decided to investigate this further and found out the traits of the "dog year." Does this sound like me?

  • They care little for wealth but always seem to have money
  • Keep other's secrets well
  • Emotionally cold
  • Distant at parties
  • Good leaders
  • They take everything serious
Now I think we can all agree that I was born in the wrong year. I mean, come on, care little about wealth but always have money? What a joke!
Alright, you're still hung up on the fact that I don't like dogs aren't you? You're thinking: "What kind of heartless, "emotionally cold" person doesn't like dogs?" The truth is I am not an animal person in general, so don't read too much into this.